
BandiNamer 是一个可以防止和解决 Windows 上谚文(韩文字母)文件名的辅音和元音相互分离的问题程序。

BandiNamer can change the Unicode normalization form used for a filename to prevent the filename from being dismembered when you attach the files to an email, and can easily fix the dismembered filenames to be shown correctly on Windows.

BandiNamer for macOS

BandiNamer for Windows

macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later
Download on the App Store

Windows 10 or later, 64-bit processor

关于 BandiNamer

BandiNamer is a program that can change the forms of text representation of Unicode filenames created on macOS.

Hangeul filenames created on macOS may have their consonants and vowels detached from each other if the files are transferred to Windows. BandiNamer can prevent this problem by changing the forms of text representation of Unicode filenames to NFC.

And NFC filenames may be automatically converted to NFD while the files are transferred from macOS to Windows. BandiNamer for Windows can fix this problem; just transfer the files to Windows and use the program to correct the filenames.

Help about the problem of detached consonants and vowels in Hangeul filenames

#How to prevent dismembered filenames
#How to fix dismembered filenames

BandiNamer for macOS

BandiNamer for Windows

On macOS, how to prevent the consonants and vowels of a Hangeul filename from being detached

    Download on the App Store

  1. Use BandiNamer to convert the filename to NFC

  3. 使用 macOS 的邮件应用发送文件
    Other third-party mail apps automatically convert filenames.

On Windows, how to fix a dismembered Hangeul filename to be shown correctly


  1. Find the file whose filename is dismembered
  2. 使用 BandiNamer 修复文件名